Boston Network Users Group History
BNUG’s President Emeritus, Glenn Fund, formed and ran the group from its inception through 1995, a period which saw the group evolve from a dedicated NetWare-only group to an organization covering networking issues of all sorts. During Josh Turiel’s tenure as President from 1995 until 1998, BNUG started focusing on education as a major part of its mission. Andrew Daitch expanded this focus with a series of weekend training seminars on various networking topics. His successor, Mark Kushinsky, carried on in this tradition of leadership, maintaining BNUG’s relevancy during a period of a rapid transition in the industry.
The group has presented a number of special events over the years including the LAN Ahoy! trade show and cruise, the Pub Crawl, the User Lab at Networks Expo trade show in Boston, and the BNUG annual Anniversary Meeting each December.
Dale Heron served on the BNUG Executive Board for a number of years, was elected as BNUG’s president in May of 2009, and served until May of 2013. Following Dale, Steve Isenberg served as president. Steve, who has been an active member of BNUG since the group’s second meeting in January 1987 and has served as VP, secretary, and treasurer over the years, is currently the group’s treasurer and former webmaster. Following Steve as president in 2016 was Marc Javel who had also been a board member of the group for many years before accepting the office. Our current president is Adam Frost who started in the office in 2018.
BNUG Photo Album
1/8/2021 -New Photos coming soon
Our history is still being written !!