About Our Website Manager


About Our Web Manager


Communication Coordinator is responsible for maintaining a website on behalf of the BNUG Board and operating the BNUG Board’s social media presence.,  contact information,  upcoming public event , and maintains  Zoom meetings Account and Meeting Operations.

“I’m Going To Keep Plugging away at it till I get it just right.”  By Steven Provost (5/12/2021)

Volunteer Work

My Current Websites

Managed Websites

Our Website Manager Steven Provost

My First Computer was a Commodore Vic 20 which lead me to get a Commodore 64 and I later Started running my own Bulletin Board called “The Commodore Castle” in the Western Massachusetts Area. I moved to Boston in 2016 and joined the Boston Network Users Group in 2018 and started to learning WordPress website building.

For Issues With This Website please contact me at the email button below

Email Me Here

updated 8/15/2023