Bnug Video Meeting Archives

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26 Videos Currently Available

Page Updated 4/22/2023@1:30pm

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Presenters: Drew King, Adam Frost and Tom St. Cyr

Title: KeePass Here and Everywhere About the meeting

Drew King, Adam Frost and Tom St. Cyr will explore in detail ways to use KeePass Password Safe on every device we can think of—PCs, Macs, Linux, Iphones, Android phones. Speaker Biography: Drew King, longtime BNUG board member, runs King Consulting, providing computer services to small businesses and individuals in the Sarasota, Florida area. Tom St. Cyr,, helps companies reduce costs and preserve peace of mind as it pertains to phone systems, camera systems, and running cables. Adam Frost,, the current president of BNUG, helps run a computer helping company in Boston, Computer Care and Learning, and also helps coordinate Adbar/Get Connected!, a program that takes donated computers and makes them available to families and businesses. The program also serves as one of Boston’s hands-on field training clinics for those who want to improve their hardware and software skills, and for those interested in learning how a non-profit business works

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Cloud Management of Access Points and more,

Tuesday December 5, 2017

MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

Learn how to manage and protect your network using Cisco Meraki Access Points, Security Appliances, and using their Cloud Management capabilities. Presented by Ryan Baudoin, at the 31st anniversary of the Boston Network Users Group (BNUG) meeting on Tuesday December 5, 2017 at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

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A Short History of BNUG

December 10, 2019

Glenn Fund, founder of the Boston Network Users Group, discusses how the group got started 33 years ago and how it has kept going for over 3 decades. Presented at the BNUG meeting on December 10, 2019 at Microsoft offices in Burlington MA.

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BNUG meeting Jan 5, 2016 – Adam Frost on eMail

The past, present, and future of eMail. Presented at the Boston Network User Group meeting January 5, 2016, by Adam Frost of Computer Care and Learning, at Mass Bay Community College. For more information on upcoming meetings see

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Aug 2, 2019

Linux for the Unconvinced – a presentation showing why Linux is a good free and secure alternative to other for-sale operating systems like Windows. Presented by Dick Miller to the Boston Network Users Group on July 16, 2019 at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA

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BNUG meeting: State of Security 2015-2016

Presented by Prof. Bruce Tis, April 5, 2016 at the monthly Boston Network Users Group meeting at Mass Bay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

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More on Nutanix to manage virtual machine clusters

Continuing with more information and demonstrations of Nutanix capabilities. Nutanix provides a way to manage your virtual machine infrastructure. Presented by Jeff Katz of Whaling City Software, to the Boston Network Users Group, November 5, 2019 at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

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Darrin Fitzgerald discusses the question, Why Video? Using video to get your message across. Presented online to the Boston Network Users Group’s May 4, 2021 meeting.

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April 6, 2021.

Britton Nicolson discusses how he helps small businesses create ecosystems on their websites, including inventory, selling items and services, and more. Presented to the Boston Network Users Group on April 6, 2021.

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Massachusetts ballot bill #1, Right To Repair

The Boston Network Users Group, a group of technical professionals, discusses the meaning of the Massachusetts ballot bill #1, Right To Repair. What does it mean, what changes happen if it’s passed, what do we have if it’s defeated. A discussion by group members and some experts on the bill, on October 6, 2020. BNUG is presenting this discussion as a public service; this meeting is only intended to inform and not to influence your decisions.

Technology Journalism in Today’s World

Emmy-winning technology journalist Lauren Goode discusses writing articles on technology and some of her experiences, plus answers questions from the group. Presented January 5, 2021 to the Boston Network Users Group virtual meeting. Copyright ©2021 True Images Productions


Martin Kadansky (of Kadansky Consulting, discusses the basics of bookkeeping for your business. This was an online presentation for the Boston Network Users Group (BNUG) on August 4, 2020.

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Adam Frost leads a discussion of how computer professionals providing user and company support can do their work safely given the current situation. This was an online discussion with members of the Boston Network Users Group (BNUG) on July 14, 2020.

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Network Attached Storage – How It Works (with an example and demo)

NAS – Network Attached Storage – by Synology, Inc. Overview, demonstration. Presented by Jeff Katz of Whaling City Software ( and Joshua Douglas of Synology, Inc. Presented online to the Boston Network Users Group’s May 5, 2020 meeting. For information on the group or to join, visit

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Tools for Business
Jul 25, 2020
Adam Frost leads a discussion of Tools for the Business of computer support. Presented online to the Boston Network Users Group (BNUG) on July 14, 2020

A Website Primer
Feb 9, 2020
A Website Primer – Presented to the Boston Network Users Group by Adam Frost, on February 4, 2020. What is domain registration? How does DNS work? What is the connection betwen my domain name, my website, DNS, my registrar, and email? Learn how it all fits together.

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Remote Access Discussion and Demonstrations
January 7, 2020.
Adam Frost leads a discussion on Remote Access, helping others solve problems and more from a distance. Presented to the Boston Network Users Group, at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, on January 7, 2020.


Mainframes – Then and Now, presented by Norm Stembridge. See the history of mainframes and how they’re used today. We’re all familiar with the personal computers and handheld devices available everywhere. But have you ever paid attention to what preceded these, the larger “mainframe” computers that showed the world what a computer could accomplish? Learn about what came before the extensive miniaturization took place, and how these massive by comparison computer systems are used in today’s world. Presented online to the Boston Network User Group’s June 2, 2020 meeting. For information on the group or to join, visit

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Adam Frost leads a discussion of Successes and Overcoming Issues. Presented at the BNUG meeting on December 10, 2019 at Microsoft offices in Burlington MA.

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Nutanix — HyperConverged Infrastructure Management: an overview of what Nutanix can do to help manage a virtual machine infrastructure. Presented by Jeff Katz of Whaling City Software, to the Boston Network Users Group, September 10, 2019 at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

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The Lexington High School “2 Bits and a Byte” Robotics Team presents on What Goes Into Designing, Producing, and Competing an Autonomous Robot. Presented to the Greater Boston Network Users Group on June 4, 2019 at the Microsoft Offices in Burlington MA.

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Presenter Kim Reddington ( shows us how to get started using WordPress to build websites. WordPress can be confusing when you are just getting started with the platform. Once you understand how it all works and how themes and plugins enhance each website, you can start to understand how powerful the platform can be. Kim shows us the power of WordPress, what you can do with it, what you should consider, and some resources to help you dive into WordPress with confidence. This presentation to the Boston Network Users Group on Tuesday April 2, 2019 at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

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The program begins with a step-by-step presentation on how to create and publish a website from scratch using GoDaddy’s website builder. Then discusses the internals of websites including DNS (Domain Name Registration) and privacy, the Zone table (various records like A, CNAME), and more. Presented by Steven Provost and Adam Frost to the Boston Network Users Group on Tuesday January 8, 2019 at MassBay Community College in Wellesley, MA.

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The Hard Cases. Handling real-life difficult cases encountered by computer or application helpers while supporting others. A group discussion covering many pertinent topics.

This presentation to the Boston Network Users Group on Tuesday Marcy 5, 2019 at the MassBay Community College in Wellesley MA.

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The Lexington (MA) High School Girl’s Robotics Club, “The Parity Bits” has competed and won many awards in nation-wide robotics competitions. They bring in a robot they designed and built and discuss its design methodology and operation.Presented to the Boston Network Users Group at the Microsoft Offices in Burlington MA on Tuesday December 4, 2018.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut diam consectetur, semper orci quis, euismod elit. Integer tristique, nulla ac mattis pharetra, felis leo sollicitudin nisl, a suscipit elit metus nec justo. Nulla egestas ornare condimentum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut diam consectetur, semper orci quis, euismod elit. Integer tristique, nulla ac mattis pharetra, felis leo sollicitudin nisl, a suscipit elit metus nec justo. Nulla egestas ornare condimentum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut diam consectetur, semper orci quis, euismod elit. Integer tristique, nulla ac mattis pharetra, felis leo sollicitudin nisl, a suscipit elit metus nec justo. Nulla egestas ornare condimentum.

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