Welcome to The Boston Network Users Group
The longest-running computer network group in Massachusetts — founded in 1986
Our Next Meeting will be held on Tue, February 4, 2025 7 pm on Zoom We will be meeting ONLY on Zoom
Working with Hard Problems
This month, we will talk about those technical and social challenges we have in our daily work and life, and how we went about solving them.
— Connecting to a company network from the outside to control their security system
–when Comcast’s internet goes down and your busy customer can’t get on the internet, and Comcast won’t come out that day
— when your customer’s laptop goes into automatic repair, and you can’t get past it
— when your customer’s tax software won’t install over the network
— Getting into Apple systems, hardware and websites: Apple’s password thicket– for example, elderly customer can’t remember her iphone password
— keyboard problems that masquerade as password problems
— When you rely on an IT person for your email and website, and that person has a medical problem
Please bring to the Zoom meeting your stories, your struggles, your victories!
Questions? Please call Adam Frost at 617-522-1049 adamfrost@computerCareandLearning.com
Connecting to Zoom Meeting Information

- All Meeting Times are U.S Eastern Time Zones (US and Canada)
Quick Link to Our Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting Link
Login to Meeting Using Your Cellphone
- Meeting ID: 482 645 3134
- Passcode: 712812 or bnug <—– (Notice : ALL LOWER CASE LETTERS)
- to call in by phone:
- • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 Us